Missing hours and volunteer history


Last Update il y a 10 mois

For some volunteers your past hours and volunteer history are not currently showing up in your account. 

We are aware of this issue and working hard to get this resolved as quick as possible! It turns out updating 20+ years of data has proven to take longer than we originally anticipated. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we are working on it and your hours and history will be in your account as soon as this data is updated! Hang in there with us. :)


If you need assistance in a service letter or mandatory service, we can manually pull this data for you, no problem. Just email our team at [email protected] with your needs and a member of our team will work with you to get your verified hours to you ASAP. Click here for more information on getting your hours verified and a letter written.

Thank you for volunteering with Hands On Atlanta!  

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