How does Hands On Atlanta handle Parental Consent for minors?


Last Update 2 years ago

The "Parental Consent" feature helps protect non-profits and ensures the safety of minors.

When Opportunity hosts require "Parental Consent" from participants, Hands On Atlanta will either:

Send an email to the minor's parent or guardian to consent to the minor's participation.

Allow a volunteer to confirm that they are over 18 (and don't need Parental Consent!).

For Volunteers:

As a volunteer, you can indicate whether or not you are over the age of 18 by using the checkbox that will appear on the registration form. If you have mistakenly indicated you are under 18, you can contact the Organizer to get help with overriding this, so that you may participate.

Pro tip: if you are signed into your Hands On Atlanta profile, and have already indicated that you are over the age of 18, then this information will save the next time that consent is required - making registration even faster!

Once a volunteer has selected a parent's email, they will receive an email that will contain a link where they can approve the consent.

For Organizers:

There is an option to include Parental Consent in the 5th step of the Opportunity creation process. If an organizer decides to include Parental Consent, the consent will be required before volunteers can be registered for the Opportunity. If consent is given after the Opportunity capacity is reached, then the volunteers will be placed on the waitlist.

You possess the ability to view the statuses of volunteers and manage their required parental consent when viewing an Opportunity on the dashboard. Any volunteers whose registration is pending, due to parental consent not being received yet, will have an blue link in the Status column that will read "Awaiting Action". You can override the need for consent by following the link. 

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